
  • Introducing itlover0.com
    Announcements 2022. 2. 28. 14:37

    Hello, this is homcorn from ITLover0. Or should I say itlover0.com?


    I am here to inform you that we moved this ITLover0-english blog into a new domain called itlover0.com

    This website is hosted by Bluehost, and I personally purchased the domain. This means that we do not get restricted by tistory and we can use our domain and our name, ITLover0, by itself.


    itlover0.com is almost the same as this blog. It is going to have translated posts of itlover0.tistory.com, along with itlover0.com exclusive posts. It is going to have multiple variety of posts starting from reviews, to opinions, troubleshoot, and tech infos.


    Yes, tistory is indeed a good web hoster, and yes, it is free. However, we wanted to try and target more audience by using our own domain. We chose Bluehost because it was just one of the most famous web hosting sites. If we do have time, we are planning to make our own website using html codes and css codes, along with javascript. However, that would probably happen a long time later.


    We started ITLover0 on August 2020, and itlover0.com was made on August 3rd, 2021. We are proud to have more readers from around the world, seeking for new information and tech tips.


    Anyways, I hope you visit our itlover0.com and enjoy our variety of posts. Don't forget to subscribe, and I will see you on itlover0.com. Bye!


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